Thursday, January 05, 2006

Quick Welcome and Explanation

I thought I should give a quick explanation for this blog. I have a tattoo. It's an indian with a head dress (not unlike this fine fellow). So when I was forced to come up with a name, it was the first thing that popped into my mind. Why would I have that as a tattoo you might ask???

Well, I got it for my 21st birthday...partly because of my Native American heritage, partly because I saw a similar one on a certain admirable actor. It is a token of my passage into manhood. It was also a gift from my best friend.

Last night I decided that this blog will be largely dedicated to music...bands I find, CD's that amaze me, and impressive live shows. I will also make room for movies and books (I've been on a reading rampage lately). Hopefully it'll prove to be a useful way to spend my time, and an enjoyable read for everyone else. I felt limited by the myspace blog...and I have a feeling this will work out better for me.

1 comment:

Blue Wall Bagger said...

your tag line "I'm kind of a big deal. People know me" is my brother's tag line for myspace. He's a little too italian at times, a little too much of most things, and as he says he's also a "kind of a big deal." Anyway...I cannot believe you were dragged to the blogspot world as dear friend Ryan is the one who brought me to it. Check out my site, it's mostly